the wildest theories about his real identity

Reading time: 3 minute(s) – By | Updated on 03-07-2024 15:08 | Published on 03-07-2024 14:47 Photo: Dall-e

Satoshi Nakamoto: The Father of Bitcoin

Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonym used by the person or group of people who created Bitcoin, the first decentralized cryptocurrency, and who also wrote the white paper describing how it works. In 2008, Nakamoto published Bitcoin’s founding document, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System“, and in 2009 he released the first Bitcoin software that launched the network. Since then, the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains one of the greatest mysteries of the digital age.

Its emergence only lasted a few years, before giving way to legend. father of bitcoin (BTC) published its last public message in December 2020 on the forum Bitcointalkwith these few words of introduction: “ There is still work to be done on denial of service attacks “His last proof of life was sent on April 26, 2011. According to the records of his spokesman at the time, Galvin Andersen, it was an email that Nakamoto had sent to him, in which he indicated that he hated being considered a shadow figure”, as well as the reputation that was built around the BTC. “The press is turning Bitcoin (BTC) into a pirate cryptocurrency. Try explaining that it is an open source project instead and give more credit to the contributors,” he wrote. Since then, there has been total silence.

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The Mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto’s Identity

The mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity has been intriguing for about fifteen years. Nakamoto has disappeared from the radar since 2011, leaving behind a fortune in Bitcoin estimated today at 1 million Bitcoins, or about $60 billion. This estimate is based on analysis of the first blocks of the Bitcoin blockchain, which show addresses attributed to Nakamoto.

However, it is important to note that this fortune is largely theoretical. None of these bitcoins have been moved or sold since they were mined, meaning they remain “dormant” on the blockchain. This inaction has led to much speculation as to why Nakamoto has not received this fortune, further fueling the theories and mysteries surrounding his identity.
The enigma has thus given rise to a multitude of theories and speculations, fueling continued interest and worldwide fascination.

Is Satoshi Nakamoto a person or a group?

A persistent debate surrounding the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto concerns the possibility that it is not just one person, but a group. The complex technical development and multidisciplinary expertise required to create Bitcoin suggest to some that Nakamoto may be a team of developers and of cryptographers rather than a lone individual. This hypothesis is reinforced by the perfection of the Bitcoin source code, which seems difficult for a single person to achieve.

The most famous suspects

Among the many theories about Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity, several names regularly emerge. Suspects include Hal Finney, a pioneering cryptographer and the first to receive a Bitcoin transaction from Satoshi; Nick Szaboa cryptocurrency expert and creator of “Bit Gold“, a precursor to Bitcoin; and the mysterious Dorian Nakamotowhose name strangely corresponds to the pseudonym used by the creator of Bitcoin.

The trail of Dorian Nakamoto

Dorian Nakamotoa Japanese-American engineer living in California, was named as the creator of Bitcoin by an article in Newsweek in 2014. The latter relied on name similarities and Dorian’s technical background. However, Dorian has strongly denied any involvement with Bitcoin, claiming that he had never heard of the cryptocurrency before the Newsweek article. Despite his denials, the theory continues to capture the imagination of many.

Craig Wright’s Theory

Craig Wrightan Australian entrepreneur, claimed in 2016 to be Satoshi Nakamoto, presenting technical evidence that was widely disputed by the cryptocurrency community. Experts quickly debunked his evidence, and many viewed his claims as an attempt to gain publicity. Nevertheless, Wright persists in his claim, fueling debate and controversy surrounding his identity.

The wildest theories

Beyond the serious suspects, several wild theories have emerged. Some believe that Satoshi Nakamoto could be a artificial intelligence created by a government agency or even aliens. Others speculate that Nakamoto could be a famous figure operating under an alias, such as Elon Muskalthough he has repeatedly denied any involvement. These ideas, while outlandish, add an extra layer of mystery and intrigue to the Nakamoto enigma.

The financial impact of the mystery

The mystery surrounding Satoshi Nakamoto has a significant impact on the Bitcoin market and cryptocurrencies in general. The possibility of Nakamoto holding a million bitcoins creates uncertainty about the future of the market. If these bitcoins were suddenly sold, it could cause massive volatility. Finally, the mystery adds an aura of mystique and legend to Bitcoin, continually attracting new investors and enthusiasts to the cryptocurrency space.


Why is Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity important?The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is important because it could provide crucial answers about the origins of Bitcoin, its initial intentions, and its future developments. Moreover, knowing Nakamoto’s identity could significantly influence the cryptocurrency market.

Did Satoshi Nakamoto communicate after 2011?No, Satoshi Nakamoto has not given any sign of life or communicated publicly since his last message in 2011.

How many bitcoins does Satoshi Nakamoto have?Satoshi Nakamoto is believed to own about a million bitcoins, which is worth billions of dollars at current rates.

Why did Satoshi Nakamoto remain anonymous?The reasons for Satoshi Nakamoto’s anonymity are speculative. He may have wanted to avoid legal pressure, protect his privacy, or simply allow Bitcoin to develop without the influence of an identifiable creator.

Is there definitive proof of Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity?To date, no definitive proof of Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity has been found. All theories remain speculative and without official confirmation.

What is the potential impact if Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity is revealed?The revelation of Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity could have a variety of impacts, from stabilizing the Bitcoin market to creating new controversies and debates within the cryptocurrency community.

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