the questions posed by QR codes to be able to travel during the Olympic Games

It’s the return of QR codes. The authorities unveiled, on Monday May 13, the Pass Jeux platform, which should make it possible to request a pass to access certain areas of Paris during the Olympic Games.

For the moment, requests for access to the red zones around the Olympic sites, where car traffic will be prohibited, have not yet been opened. However, it is already possible to request an access permit for the period from July 18 to 26, that is to say for the opening ceremony and the week preceding it.

This pass will be issued in the form of a QR code to be presented during checks to access the “gray zone”, the perimeter around the Seine. People with a ticket or accreditation are exempt, only on the day of the ceremony. To obtain it, you will need to provide certain supporting documents, which raises some questions regarding personal data.

Will I be subject to an administrative investigation if I make a request?

Yes. Requests for QR codes made on the Pass Jeux platform to access a gray zone give rise to an administrative investigation under the internal security code. Concretely, this means that, for each applicant, a search is carried out in certain authorities files, such as criminal records.

Considering this “screening”the response to the request for access to the security perimeter defined for the opening ceremony will take ” A few days “, warned the Paris police prefect, Laurent Nuñez, on May 10. However, there will be no systematic administrative investigation for requests for access to red zones, he also specified.

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What data is collected?

The Games Pass is mainly based on a decree of May 2, 2011 establishing “files of residents of security zones”. This text regulates the collection of personal data to be able to issue passes in areas where large-scale events are held, with high security challenges.

As part of the Games Pass, the authorities have modified the decree to extend the list of personal data that can be collected. In addition to the name, first name and contact details which may already be required, you will need to provide a copy of an identity document (passport, national identity card or driving license), where the initial text only requested the number of your identity document.

Likewise, anyone wishing a pass is asked to provide a photograph, in which the face must be fully visible and identifiable, as with identity photos. Here too, this is an addition made to the decree of May 2, 2011 for the Olympic Games. What is it used for ? Mainly to save time during checks in busy areas, according to the justifications given by the ministry to the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL).

The platform also instructs users to provide a reason for access to the security perimeter as well as proof. For people who live in a concerned area, it may be proof of address (electricity bill or rent receipt for example), but the request for proof also concerns people wishing to enter the area for any other purpose. reason, such as a medical appointment, going to the hairdresser or going to your hotel, for example.

How long are they kept?

The decree of May 2, 2011 provides that the data collected be kept until three months after the end of the event – ​​in this specific case theoretically after the end of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, on September 8. However, this time there should be an exception to this rule: copies of identity documents.

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Indeed, knowing that the passport or permit number already makes it possible to identify people, the CNIL has expressed reservations about additionally requesting a copy of an identity document. As a compromise, the decree provides that these copies will be deleted once the QR codes have been generated.

What happens during an inspection?

Police officers and security agents who scan a person’s QR code will see several pieces of information displayed: the name, first name and photo of the person being checked.

Could the authorities therefore know who is being monitored near this or that site? Asked by The worldthe CNIL explains that, “according to the details provided by the ministry [de l’intérieur]logging of the checks carried out is implemented ». In short: the information relating to the controls will be stored and then, like the entire file, deleted three months after the end of the games.

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