The Eurelian Gates of Ile-de-France open for the Olympic Games with a 13 ha Village!

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“A territory fully mobilized to celebrate the Paris 2024 Olympic Games” launches in the preamble coupled with an invitation to all citizens, the community of communes of Portes Euréliennes d’Île-de-France to Epernon (Eure-et-Loir).

The entire territory of the CdC has in fact been labeled 2024 Games Lands and cooked up a rich program of sporting festivities.

A community of municipalities close to the Olympic sites

Labeled “Terre de Jeux 2024”, the Community of Communes of Portes Euréliennes d’Île-de-France wanted to take advantage of this global event “to show and demonstrate its investment and its mobilization to put more sport in the daily lives of its inhabitants and carry high the Paris Olympics” communicates the community.

Close to Olympic sites such as the Vélodrome de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, the National Golf Course, the horse riding events in Versailles and Paris, the region has brought together numerous local and regional players to deploy and host several sporting festivities. Among them, the 13 hectare sports village which will be inaugurated on June 1, 2024 at 2 p.m. in the presence of local elected officials.

Everything to discover about the Portes Euréliens Sports Village

The Changé - Saint-Piat leisure center will host the Sports Village events.
The Changé – Saint-Piat leisure center will host the Sports Village events. (©CdC of the Eurelian Gates of Île-de-France)

The “Sports Village” – the “3 hours of swimming” – “The Fitness Meetings” – The “40 Sports-Oriented Youth Worksites” are the different centers offered, on the track!

■ THE “SPORTS VILLAGE” – Changé – Saint-Piat leisure center

Deployed over 13 hectares, the “Sports Village” will be inaugurated on June 1, 2024 at 2 p.m. and the local authorities will ensure lighting a flame.

During this day, and throughout the months of June and Julyt, families and children will be welcomed who can discover or rediscover sporting activities as diverse as canoeing, cycling, laser run, fencing, climbing, opposition games, beach volleyball, pétanque, break dancing, mini football, mini volleyball, mini-basketball and being aware of certain disabled sports such as boccia or cecifoot.

Videos: currently on Actu

The objectives sought? Introduce people to outdoor and natural sports activities; offer collective activities that can be shared with family, classmates or friends from leisure centers; show families, schools and leisure centers different sporting disciplines.

Community of communes of the Eurelian Gates of Ile-de-France

█ Practical:
– The Sports Village is open in June:
Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday to accommodate classes from Portes Euréliennes schools, i.e. 1,500 students including 150 middle school students.
Every Wednesday, the Leisure Centers throughout the Portes Euréliens area, i.e. 1,317 children.
Every Saturday, open to the public to welcome families.
– In July :
The first three weeks of July, opening to leisure receptions as part of mini Olympic stays organized for leisure receptions.
Sports Village. Changé / Saint-Piat leisure center

■ THE “3 HOURS OF SWIMMING” – Epernon swimming pool

Organized in partnership with the Tourist Office, the sports department of the Epernon town hall and the Amicale omnisports, this sporting event invites you to come and test your endurance. Registration is free on the day of the event.

From 1:30 p.m., candidates are expected for a short briefing session to prepare and explain the following program:

  • Swimming: Free swimming distance and time of the participant’s choice.
  • Musical entertainment at the swimming pool.
  • “Distance completed” diploma ceremony.

█ Practical:
3 Hours of swimming, Saturday June 29, 2024 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Epernon swimming pool.


Practicing an hour and a half of supervised physical activity, outdoors.

Organized for the benefit of tourists to help them discover new and easy-to-use activities but also for residents to stimulate “ move more », these appointments will be displayed on the Tourist Office program.

All participants will need to do is wear sports clothing to the activity locations and at the times indicated.

Through these “Rendez-vous de la Forme”, the community of municipalities wishes to highlight its natural heritage, strengthen its image as an area for outdoor activities, and show the extent of its range of easy leisure activities. to “consume” and raise awareness among its inhabitants of the importance of practicing regular physical activity while trying to alleviate the obstacles linked to available time or costs.

CdC of the Eurelian Gates of Île-de-France


Operations organized throughout 2024.

Throughout 2024, the Youth Relay service of the Community of Communes of Portes Euréliennes d’Île-de-France is setting up young people’s projects around the theme of sport.

40 young people will be involved and mobilized around actions labeled “Terre de Jeux 2024”.

The “discover my sport” operation:

Young people will go to the ALSH in the region to discover their sport, its history and its practice.

The “Terre de jeux delegate” operation:

40 young people aged 16 to 19, living in the region or attending the Lycée Joséphine-Baker. In partnership with the establishment, Terre de Jeux delegates will be appointed in the classes wishing to participate. They will be able to volunteer to support demonstrations and events organized by local sports clubs and associations.

They will also relay the actions carried out by the community of municipalities and its various news related to the Olympic Games to their comrades.

The Eurelian Friends of Île-de-France

Located in the department of Eure-et-Loir and the Centre-Val de Loire region, the CdC is precisely located on the western limits of Ile-de-France, between the Vallée de Chevreuse park and the Vallée Royale de l’Eure.

Its territory is crossed by the Paris-Chartres-Le Mans and Paris-Vendôme railway lines on which the three stations depend: Auneau, Epernon and Saint-Piat. The main roads are the A10 and A11 motorways as well as the national 12.

Chaired by Stéphane Lemoine, the CdC brings together 39 municipalities and has 50,000 inhabitants. It is a recent public establishment resulting from the merger of the communities of communes of Beauce Alnéloise, Quatre Vallées, Terrasses et Vallées de Maintenon, Val Drouette, Val de Voise.

Its territory includes five central centers which are Auneau-Bleury-Saint-Symphorien, Épernon, Gallardon, Pierres and Nogent-le-Roi.

Its name, “Portes Euréliennes d’Île-de-France”, was chosen to recall its location and allow easy identification of its geographical space: Portes Euréliennes designates the department of Eure-et-Loir; Île-de-France serves to promote the proximity of the community territory to the greater Parisian suburbs. Moreover, this close link with Paris and its crown attracts many Ile-de-France tourists who come regularly, with friends or family, for short stays. Museums, guided city tours, discovery trails, hiking trails, cultural events, shows, cinemas, artistic and cultural exhibitions… Tourists and residents therefore have a variety of activities available to them throughout the year.

On the economic level, the CdC has 15 activity zones, it is home to a significant number of internationally renowned companies, its easy and rapid access facilitated by the motorways constituting a real asset.

Here are already some projects carried out by young people:

  • From May 26 to June 2 / 6 young people / for the International Youth Games with the Joséphine-Baker high school.
  • June 1st on the changed Air event, inauguration of the Olympic village: 8 young people
  • June 1st/6 young people/archery championship in Epernon
  • June 29/8 young people/sports festival with the Amicale d’Epernon
  • June 29/2 young people/ Closelet swimming pool in Epernon “3 hours of swimming”

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