The best instant messengers to chat with your friends (even from abroad)

Instant messaging service applications are jostling on Android and iOS. Discover our selection to choose the chat application that best suits you, whether you want to chat discreetly, communicate from abroad, without connection or with maximum functionality.

The most used private messaging services
The most used private messaging services // Source: Frandroid

SMS, although still used, are increasingly being replaced by instant messaging applications via the network data, thus allowing you to communicate for free as long as you have access to the internet. Available on the iPhone and iPad App Store or on the Android Google Play Store, these chat applications, often more user-friendly and comprehensive, allow you to share much more than text messages (HD images, GIFs, videos, maps, etc.).

There are now quite a few of them and it is sometimes difficult to know which messaging service to choose. This is why we help you find the ones that best meet your expectations.

Secure messaging to protect your privacy

No one wants someone to pry into their private discussions. This is why we advise as a priority to turn to one of the applications guaranteeing greater respect for private data, in particular thanks to end-to-end encryption of conversations. This means that even if they wanted to, the app publisher wouldn’t have access to your messages.

Our main recommendation is therefore Signal, which received the approval of the ACLU, the EFF, but also influential figures like Edward Snowden. These good reviews come from the fact that the messaging application is fully open source, allowing security experts to audit the source code, and thus check for the presence of possible flaws or data retention. In addition, it very strongly encrypts all data that passes through the service.

Telegram is also an interesting alternative, even if it is more criticized due to the opacity of the server part and the fact that end-to-end encryption is not active by default, requiring additional manipulation on the part of the user to secure its exchanges. It nevertheless remains very secure and above all very functional and pleasant on a daily basis. A fair balance between safety and ease of daily use.

In another genre, Snapchat allows you to send instant messages which will disappear after a few seconds from your interlocutor’s smartphone. This is in no way a guarantee of security, especially since nothing is encrypted, but it allows you to better control the messages and photos that you leave circulating in the wild. Please note, messages remain stored on the firm’s servers for 30 days.

Download Signal, Telegram or Snapchat

The most popular free instant messengers

Unfortunately, Signal or Telegram are not the most used messaging services in the world and talking to yourself quickly becomes boring. To find your friends, you may therefore have to turn to the most popular applications like Messenger or WhatsApp, both belonging to the Facebook group (and sharing certain information with the rest of the company’s ecosystem).

Concerning WhatsApp, the most interesting thing is that it uses the mobile phone number as an identifier. This means that you do not need to request an identifier (or “ to add as a friend) to contacts if you know their phone numbers. Please note that in the case of Messenger, end-to-end encryption is not activated by default. To benefit from it, you must start a secret conversation.

If you don’t want to go through Facebook, you can turn to Viber, an excellent alternative to WhatsApp which offers both many features, but also default encryption of messages.

Download Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp or Viber

Messaging apps for traveling abroad

Chat applications are particularly useful when traveling abroad, since they allow free communication with foreigners as soon as the smartphone is connected to a WiFi network. If you are traveling in Asia, we advise you WeChat And linetwo very popular services which often offer additional features such as in-store payment, and which can be used in China.

We can also mention Skype, which allows you to call, for a fee, to landline or mobile telephone numbers. The price is often much lower than that offered by your French mobile operator for roaming.

Download Line, WeChat or Skype

What is the best instant messenger for gaming?

Whether it’s to keep in touch IRL with your guild, or your best friends when you’re in a game, some services specialize in chat for gamers. If Steam of course offers its online chat service, it is Discord which stands out from the crowd. This instant messaging service includes many options, including the ability to chat easily and free either directly with your contacts or on servers, which brings it closer to a competitor to Slack. One of its great strengths is also to offer group calls.

Download Discord or Steam

What is the best messaging app depending on the situation?

What is the best encrypted messaging for secret chatting?

The most secure application, recommended in particular by Edward Snowden, is Signal. Not only does it encrypt messages efficiently, but it is completelyopen source, which allows you to keep an eye on your activity. You can know where and how your data passes.

How to communicate without a phone number?

There are several messaging applications that do not require a phone number in order to communicate, but an account. Among other things, we can cite Facebook Messenger Or Skypetwo messaging services linked to an email address which therefore allow you to chat from a computer or smartphone without having a telephone number.

How to call for free without internet?

Apart from traditional instant messaging applications which go through the internet, there are also some applications which allow you to converse without having to go through the network. These will then generally use Bluetooth or Wi-Fi Direct to communicate and exchange data directly from one device to another.

What is the most used messaging?

If you want to be where the greatest number of people are, you will have to turn to WhatsApp in France. Note, however, that DMA will eventually force applications to communicate with each other.

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