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The 57th Final of the Quebec Games in Rimouski presented its closing ceremony.

A show takes place before the eyes of the athletes and attendants.

The closing ceremony of the 57th Final of the Quebec Games in Rimouski

Photo: Radio-Canada / Perrine Bullant

  • The South Shore delegation won the most points with a total of 251.5.

  • The closing ceremony is over at the Colisée Financière Sun Life.

  • Eastern Quebec won 23 medals in total and finished 10e with 166 points.

  • From July 22 to 29, nearly 3,500 athletes aged 12 to 17 from across Quebec competed in 19 sporting disciplines.

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We were very nervous, admitted the mayor of Rimouski as part of a press conference held Saturday afternoon by the organization of the Quebec Games. We couldn’t wait and it will create a big void for us after seeing all these young people energize the city, he confides. Nothing is possible without community mobilization. And the people of Rimouski are mobilized, we see it. I wanted to say congratulations to the whole team, adds Yannick Gagnon, deputy for Jonquière in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean. He spoke on behalf of the Minister responsible for Sports, Recreation and the Outdoors, Isabelle Charest.

A woman presents a medal table to the mayor of Rimouski, Guy Caron.

The president of Sports-Québec, Julie Gosselin, was in Rimouski to attend the last day of competition of the Quebec Games.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Perrine Bullant

The general director of the 57e Final of the Quebec Games in Rimouski, Chantal Pilon, gave some figures which summarize the event.

The Games in figures:

  • 1026 medals won;
  • 2218 volunteers in action;
  • 27,487 prepared sandwiches;
  • 100,000 boxes of Oasis juice drunk;
  • 20,916 muffins gobbled up;
  • 32,000 kilometers of transport traveled.

days and there is no dress rehearsal in this type of event”,”text”:”We work for three years, for 9 days and there is no dress rehearsal in this type of event”}} “>We work for three years, for 9 days and there is no dress rehearsal in this type of event., she recalls. Ms. Pilon says she is proud of the result, but admits to feeling tired.

If she has only one regret, it is that of not having been able to get out on the field more to see the athletes shine. We had so many beautiful sites and I saw them in photos, she saddens herself. The general director specifies that the dismantling of the sites will take place throughout the week.

July 29, 2023

  • The 57e Final of the Quebec Games in Rimouski is now over, as is our live coverage. To conclude our coverage, here is the table of medals by delegation.

  • Around fifty buses are ready to hit the road to bring the athletes home.

    Parked buses.

    A queue of buses awaits the athletes in the parking lot of the Colisée Financière Sun Life.

    Photo: Radio-Canada / Perrine Bullant

  • Eastern Quebec finishes 10e with a total of 166 points.

  • The winning region of 57e Final of the Quebec Games is the South Shore. The Capitale-Nationale stands out in second position, and finally, the Laurentians delegation takes third place. The region that has improved the most is that of Richelieu-Yamaska.

  • Each delegation is warmly applauded as it enters the stage. The excitement and pride are palpable.

    Parents greet the athletes in the stands.

    The guides are impatiently awaiting the delegation from their region.

    Photo: Radio-Canada / Perrine Bullant

    Athletes gathered on the floor.

    Each of the delegations enters the stage.

    Photo: Radio-Canada / Perrine Bullant

  • Closing ceremony

    The closing ceremony begins. Athletes, coaches and chaperones gathered at the Colisée Financière Sun Life to attend the maritime-themed show.

    Basketball and soccer player Jasmine Zahra from Rimouski was chosen to lead the march and to carry the Eastern Quebec flag during the ceremony.

    Athletes dressed in their uniforms.

    The delegation of athletes from Eastern Quebec enters the Colisée Financière Sun Life.

    Photo: Radio-Canada / Perrine Bullant

    A delegation of athletes walks.

    The North Shore delegation arrives at the Sun Life Financial Coliseum.

    Photo: Radio-Canada / Perrine Bullant

    To get a glimpse of the atmosphere a few minutes before the start of the opening ceremony, visit our Instagram page.

  • Julianne Thériault and Béatrice Choinière-Lambert participated in the closing press conference of the Final. Béatrice, who won four medals, including two gold medals, looks back on the highlights of her participation in the Games. 4x400m). I’m really proud of that. I remember that you shouldn’t be afraid to try. I had never done a 2000meters chase steeplechase. I would ultimately like to specialize in that. So, what I remember is that you have to try”,”text”:”I really did my best race of my life [lors du relais 4 x 400 m). Je suis vraiment fière de ça. Je retiens qu’il ne faut pas avoir peur d’essayer. Je n’avais jamais fait de 2000 mètres steeple Chase. J’aimerais finalement me spécialiser là-dedans. Alors, ce que je retiens, c’est qu’il faut essayer”}}”>J’ai vraiment fait ma meilleure course à vie [lors du relais 4 x 400 m]. I’m really proud of that. I remember that you shouldn’t be afraid to try. I had never done a 2000 meter steeple chase. I would ultimately like to specialize in that. So, what I remember is that you have to tryshe notes.

    Julianne, for her part, won three medals, including two gold medals in addition to breaking a speed record dating from 1997 in the 800 meters event. I managed my time and beat an Olympian. I never thought I would succeed, but with training and wanting it too, I succeeded. With this challenge of the Games, I didn’t want to win the gold medal, I wanted to beat my time and I wanted to run and have fun. I managed to get bothshe enthuses.

    Two young women medalists.

    The athletes participated in the closing press conference of the Quebec Games.

    Photo: Radio-Canada / Perrine Bullant

  • We were very nervous, admitted the mayor of Rimouski as part of a press conference held Saturday afternoon by the organization of the Quebec Games. We couldn’t wait and it will create a big void for us after seeing all these young people energize the city, he confides. Nothing is possible without community mobilization. And the people of Rimouski are mobilized, we see it. I wanted to say congratulations to the whole team, adds Yannick Gagnon, deputy for Jonquière in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean. He spoke on behalf of the Minister responsible for Sports, Recreation and the Outdoors, Isabelle Charest.

    A woman presents a medal table to the mayor of Rimouski, Guy Caron.

    The president of Sports-Québec, Julie Gosselin, was in Rimouski to attend the last day of competition of the Quebec Games.

    Photo: Radio-Canada / Perrine Bullant

    The general director of the 57e Final of the Quebec Games in Rimouski, Chantal Pilon, gave some figures which summarize the event.

    The Games in figures:

    • 1026 medals won;
    • 2218 volunteers in action;
    • 27,487 prepared sandwiches;
    • 100,000 boxes of Oasis juice drunk;
    • 20,916 muffins gobbled up;
    • 32,000 kilometers of transport traveled.

    days and there is no dress rehearsal in this type of event”,”text”:”We work for three years, for 9 days and there is no dress rehearsal in this type of event”}} “>We work for three years, for 9 days and there is no dress rehearsal in this type of event., she recalls. Ms. Pilon says she is proud of the result, but admits to feeling tired.

    If she has only one regret, it is that of not having been able to get out on the field more to see the athletes shine. We had so many beautiful sites and I saw them in photos, she saddens herself. The general director specifies that the dismantling of the sites will take place throughout the week.

  • It’s time to take stock for the delegations from Eastern Quebec and the North Shore at the Quebec Games Finale in Rimouski. The heads of delegation were keen to highlight the successes of their athletes in recent days.

    For Eastern Quebec, it is the performances, particularly in athletics, that attract attention, according to the head of delegation, Josée Longchamps. To see Julianne Thériault, Béatrice Choinière-Lambert, simply fly over the runway. Multi-medalists like Odélie Drapeau and Éli Pelletier in swimming. The first block gave us a lot of emotions […]. When the people from the second block arrived, we felt this energy to continue until the finalshe argues.

    For the Côte-Nord team, this final was strewn with pitfalls. The head of delegation, Philippe Lebreux, believes that the young athletes still surpassed themselves. We had medalists who were still young and who will have the opportunity to return in future finals. For our sports programs, it is very interestinghe indicates.

  • The competitions of the 57e Final of the Quebec Games in Rimouski are officially over!