Less games, more joy

🎉 Get rid of your “shame pile”! The 90/90 challenge for a refined game library (and more effective game evenings).

The 90/90 rule: easy as pie!

Today we are going to discuss a topic that you, who we, who me is important to you: the organization of your games library. We know it well, a tidy play space is the key to memorable game nights. For what ? Because we don’t spend 217 hours looking for THE game! But what do we do when our collection is overflowing and we no longer know where to turn? Bim. I have the solution you need: the 90/90 rule!

The 90/90 rule in a nutshell: If you haven’t played a game in the last 90 days and don’t plan to play it in the next 90, it’s time to part with it.

Imagine a sorting method as simple and effective as playing your favorite game. That’s exactly what the 90/90 rule does, a nifty decluttering technique created by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, the famous duo of The Minimalists.

Even for enthusiasts, it must be recognized that certain games take up more space out of attachment than out of a real desire to play them. Am I right or am I right?

The principle of the 90/90 method is childishly simple: for each board game you own, ask yourself two questions. Have you played this game in the last 90 days? If not, will you play it in the next 90 days? If you answer no to both questions, it’s time to part ways! Easy, right? That’s it, you can close this page.

Uh no, wait!

Establish your own rules of the game

OK, you’re still here, phew.

As in any (good) game, you must first establish the basic rules. The 90-day window is a great starting point, but can be adjusted depending on your pace of play. For casual players, the window may be longer, while for more dedicated players, a shorter approach may be appropriate.

The key is to define your window before you start and stick to it. After all, you are the master of the game!

Take action: rate your games (without mercy)!

Now that the rules are established, it’s time to evaluate your games. This is where the magic happens! You instantly know if you’ve played a game recently and if you’ll play it again soon. No need to think for hours, the decision is made in a fraction of a second.

It’s quick, effective, and helps you break those (irrational?) emotional ties to games you keep just because… “maybe someday.” This is what we all call the… wait for it… pile of shame… Be honest with yourself and don’t be afraid to sort it out!

My personal experience: the big sorting!

But be careful, before starting to sort, a crucial step is necessary: ​​completely empty your shelf or your games cupboard. This is the ideal opportunity to do a major cleaning, remove accumulated dust and get off to a good start.

Once the space is clean and clear, you can move on to the actual sorting. Keep what meets the 90/90 criteria, and say goodbye to the rest! Your game library will thank you.

I personally tested this method on my personal game library. The result ? A large box full of games to give to the ludo near me or to resell, and a much more efficient organization of what I decided to keep.

As I put each game back, I asked myself the question again: Will I play it again soon? This has helped me organize things more logically, putting games I play less often at the back, and my favorites within easy reach.

The secret to a perfect game library: dare to be selective!

And you know what ? I have no “buts” to add. I loved the simplicity and effectiveness of this method, so much so that I plan to try it on my friends’ game collections (including the abundant and exaggerated one of my editor). My ultimate advice? The shorter the time window you impose on yourself, the more effective you will be.

But again, it all depends on your pace of play and your honesty with yourself. Don’t be afraid to be selective, your game library will only be more efficient and functional!

Games that breathe, games that inspire!

(a slogan that I offer you. It’s a gift)

Just imagine: a refined games library, where each game has its place and its usefulness. No more wobbly batteries that threaten to collapse at any moment, no more hassle to find the game you want! With the 90/90 rule, your shelves will breathe and your games will never have been more accessible.

And an organized game library also means more frequent and more varied games. You will rediscover forgotten nuggets and you will finally have the space to accommodate the new products that catch your eye. It’s all good!

So let’s go ? Are we embarking on the 90/90 challenge?

Put down your computer or cell phone, it’s time to take action. Arm yourself with courage and empty boxes (to fill), and start sorting out your toy library. The 90/90 rule will be your ally in this (perilous) adventure in search of organization.

Remember, the goal is not to get rid of all your games, but to create a space where each title has its place and where you enjoy immersing yourself in a game at any time.

Sort, donate, sell, exchange, but above all, rediscover the joy of playing with a game library that suits you. That’s the magic of the 90/90! Tadaaaaa.

And don’t hesitate to share your experience with us. How did your big sorting go? What gems have you rediscovered? Your story could inspire other enthusiasts to take the plunge. Well, I’m going back, I still have two shelves left to sift through the 90/ method

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In your opinion, what makes an ideal game library? Which criteria are most important to you? Do you have any tips for optimizing the organization of your games?

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