Jordan Bardella assures that he would not “modify” the “system” of the Games if he were to become Prime Minister

This is one of the questions that arise following the announcement, on Sunday June 9, by the President of the Republic, of the dissolution of the National Assembly and early legislative elections: what will be the impact of the appointment of a new government after July 7 on the organization of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP)? Two weeks before the start of the event, will it be likely to call into question some of the arrangements envisaged until then?

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Expected to enter Matignon in the event of victory for the National Rally (RN) on the evening of July 7, its president, Jordan Bardella assured, Friday June 12, that he would not “will modify[t] not “ THE “system implemented for several months”. This is what he said in a message published on X.

As of Monday, the president of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, who was in Paris, assured that he was not worried about the consequences of the acceleration of the political agenda: “France is used to holding elections and [va] do it again, we will have a new government and a new parliament and everyone will support the Olympics”he predicted.

“Nothing will spoil” the Games had also declared, alongside him, the mayor (Socialist Party) of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, when the management of the Paris 2024 Organizing Committee (Cojop) had argued, a little earlier, that “all the major structural decisions were taken a long time ago”.

State services on the front line

However, on Thursday, during the presentation of the transport plan for the opening ceremony of the Games, the Minister of Sports and Games, Amélie Oudéa-Castera wanted to warn: “My role is to emphasize that we need vigilance, we need to be extremely attentive during each of the days that separate us from the deadlineshe insisted. We will need high quality of command during the JOPs. »

The head of state went further by declaring, Thursday on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy – but without explicitly mentioning the RN or the alliance of left-wing parties – that the French will not want leaders who does not “are not ready at all” to take charge of the final preparations for the Games.

At the start of the week, the management of Paris 2024 said “know how to be able to count on [la] mobilization [de l’Etat] as well as that of its services to advance the latest issues.” “I have complete confidence in the State services for the organization of the 2024 Olympic Games,” For his part, Mr. Bardella wrote on Friday.

In this case, it is personalities like the interministerial delegate to the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Michel Cadot, the Paris police prefect, Laurent Nuñez, or even the prefect of the Ile-de-France region, Marc Guillaume who should – if they are not thanked and if they do not resign – ensure this presence of State services on the front line on an Olympic file of which they know all the smallest details.

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“Nice try at recovery!” After stirring up all the controversies against the Games, are we turning our backs? And we already see ourselves as Prime Minister? But it’s too easy”, responded to Mr. Bardella, also on the X network, the Minister of Sports and JOPs. “Organizing the biggest global event is not autopilot. It requires mobilized state services – they have been for years – but also prepared, competent and experienced political leaders”wrote Mme Oudéa-Castéra. “And hosting the Games, sorry to remind you, means embodying values ​​– which you are trampling on – of openness, universalism, friendship between peoples, fraternity between athletes”she added.

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The State will not grant a financial extension to the CNOSF for its Club France during the Games

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Tony Estanguet, the boss of the Games, in his turn in the sights of justice

The “four musketeers” of the organizing committee targeted by the PNF

  • The Olympic Torch Relay

Despite the popular success of the torch relay, why do the French still not support the Olympic Games?

Some municipalities are irritated by the requirements and costs linked to hosting the torch relay

The French strategy to stock up on medals at the Paralympic Games

The government steps on the accelerator to close the accessibility gap

  • Seine-Saint-Denis and the Games

Seine-Saint-Denis launches its Cultural Olympiad

At the Arthur-Rimbaud vocational high school in La Courneuve, an “JO option” against dropping out of school

The Olympic aquatic center, an XXL swimming pool for Seine-Saint-Denis

La Courneuve between enthusiasm and concern regarding the transformation of Georges-Valbon Park

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After the requisition of their accommodation, students not yet sure of their fate

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  • Environmental issues

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The Austerlitz basin, a key device for making the Seine swimmable, inaugurated

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How the organizers of the Olympic Games plan to deal with a heatwave this summer

  • The societal issues that the Games highlight

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The anti-Olympics struggle to mobilize

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At the time of sport, a major national cause, the worrying situation of swimming pools in France

School sport is still looking for the right formula

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