REPLAY. Paris 2024 Olympic Games: maritime parade, surprise arrival of Jul… the arrival of the Olympic flame sets Marseille ablaze

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The concert has finally started in the Old Port

After a little less than an hour delay, the concert by rappers Soprano and Alonzo was able to start in the Old Port, where nearly 15,000 spectators gathered this Wednesday, May 8.

Overflows and crowd movements in the Old Port, the concert of rappers Soprano and Alonzo delayed

Excesses and crowd movements forced the organizers of the Paris Olympic Games to delay the concert of rappers Soprano and Alonzo, scheduled for 9 p.m. in the Old Port, reports Provence .

Emmanuel Macron: “From the link”

“I want these Games to create a bond. For there to be a sporting nation, for children to do more sport in schools… There will be a legacy in terms of value. It’s a moment of unity , we are capable of it and we can be proud of it. Sport, culture, gastronomy… We do what is most beautiful in the world. Our unity is our strength.

Emmanuel Macron speaks

“I believe that this day will launch popular momentum. There are still doubts among the French, the Games still seemed far away. The Games are here, the flame is there, it will be on French soil until the end of the Paralympic Games in September.”

The day of ceremony ends with a magnificent rainbow

The few drops of rain above the Old Port favored the appearance of a rainbow which seems to embrace the Belem, now moored in Marseille. Let’s go for a night of celebration in the Marseille city, the Olympic flame is now burning in France!

“Something crazy”

“I am very proud for France and for Marseille, I am very proud that people thought of me,” Jul told the crowd. “The Olympics bring a lot of hope to young people.”

Rapper Jul is the last mystery torchbearer!

So he was the famous last torchbearer, the famous Marseille artist lit the cauldron while rumors said that Zinédine Zidane could be this last torchbearer. His name was kept secret until the last moment.

The first relayers take the torch in their hands after Florent Manaudou

The first torchbearer is the disabled sports athlete Nantenin Keita. The second is the rapper Jul. One of his songs resounds to the cheers of the crowd, it is he who is going to light the cauldron!

Florent Manaudou comes down from Belem

Torch in hand, historic moment for the French swimmer.

The Games anthem sounds

While Belem is about to hit land!

Still a few meters to go for Belem

The three-masted ship reaches its destination, after 12 days of travel from Greece.

There is a special atmosphere

The crowd cheers as the boat enters the Old Port, accompanied by foghorns. This in a telluric panorama, between strong heat, black clouds, and a few drops of rain as announced.

The French patrol splits the sky of Marseille

The famous planes, based in Salon-de-Provence, drew the Olympic rings between the clouds.

Still a few hundred meters to go for Belem

The Marseillaise resonates in the Old Port

The national anthem is performed by tenor Nabil “Naestro” Rachdi

Sumptuous fireworks display in the harbor

Florent Manaudou brandishes the torch in full view of the audience, and receives applause.

The Olympic torch is lit!

The flame, in the hands of Florent Manaudou, is lit. Imminent arrival of the Belem at the Old Port.

Florent Manaudou grabs the Olympic torch

He will be the bearer of the flame as soon as it lands on land. The 2012 Olympic champion takes the torch out of its protective case.

The Bellem advances into the Old Port

Emotional moment when the Winners, a group of OM supporters, deployed the tifo planned for the passage of the three-masted ship. A long blue and white fabric, with “MASSALIA” written in Greek characters.

The Belem will leave its mooring point

Arrival at the dock expected around 7:10 p.m. There will be a slight delay compared to program forecasts.

Uncertain weather

Large black clouds are looming a few kilometers from Marseille. According to forecasts, rain could appear when the flame lands on French soil.

Belem heads for the Old Port

The three-masted ship is just beginning its journey towards the port of Marseille. Arrival scheduled for 7 p.m.

The famous “Aux Armes” resonates over the Old Port

The song, sung by OM supporters in the aisles of the Vélodrome stadium, was sung where Belem is expected at 7 p.m.

The French patrol will honor France

The famous planes representing France will split the Marseille sky at 7:10 p.m. Their mission is to draw the Olympic rings in the sky.

Florent Manaudou and Tony Estanguet will soon embark on the Belem

The first torch bearer and the head of the Organizing Committee are on their way to join the three-masted ship on which the Olympic flame is located. He must dock at the Old Port around 7 p.m., the swimmer will then descend with the torch, for his first hours on French soil.

More than 150,000 people expected in total in Marseille

The Belem is due to dock in a little less than 2 hours, an impressive crowd is expected.

But what is this huge container ship that accompanies the Belem?

You’ve probably noticed this if you’ve taken a look at the television images. WE EXPLAIN WHAT THIS BOAT IS HERE.

Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron are on site

The president and his wife visit a training and innovation center of the CMA CGM company, a global container shipping company. The participation of the presidential couple in the flame welcoming ceremony is scheduled for around 7 p.m.

Belem on parade until around 5 p.m.

The ship will continue to sail off the coast of Marseille until the end of this afternoon.

Zizou or not Zizou?

The greatest mystery reigns around the presence, or not, of the football icon, pure Marseille, today for the arrival of the flame in Marseille. Yesterday, Marseille’s deputy mayor Samia Ghali said “We certainly won’t see Zidane.” As a torchbearer, it would seem not. But according to information from L’Equipe today, Zizou could be the one who lights the cauldron, which will symbolically mark the true arrival of the flame in France. Indeed, after Florent Manaudou, two other “mystery” personalities will take turns in charge of the flame. The second, according to the sports daily, would be Zinédine Zidane.

Colette, 83 years old, torchbearer in great shape!

La Marseillaise was chosen for the passion she has had for decades for the local football club, Olympique de Marseille.

\ud83d\udcac “I train on the little path near my house”

Colette Cataldo, 83 years old and bearer of the Olympic flame, explains to us how she prepared \u2935\ufe0f

— TF1Info (@TF1Info) May 8, 2024

“Tony! Tony!”

When Tony Estanguet, head of the Organizing Committee, greets the members of the Belem crew. And vice versa !

\ud83d\udd34 East live from Marseille
Tony Estanguet, president of the organizing committee for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, comes by boat to greet the Belem crew.

— Info France 2 (@infofrance2) May 8, 2024

We promised you: the official theme of the Olympics

By digging around a little on the Internet, we found an extract from the official theme of the Olympic Games which we spoke to you about earlier in this live. This music is to be played today during the flame’s arrival ceremony in Marseille. The Télérama newspaper’s YouTube channel reveals it.

Belem and its mysteries…

The majestic three-masted ship which houses the Olympic flame is the star of the start of the day in Marseille! After leaving Greece 12 days ago, the century-old sailboat will dock in the Marseille city shortly. The Belem is an emblematic boat in French history. WE TELL YOU HER STORY HERE.

The nautical parade around Belem has started

The boats sounded bagpipes, sirens and horns to celebrate the arrival of this Olympic symbol after 12 days at sea from Greece, and less than three months before the Paris Olympics (July 26-August 11). On La Belle Poule, a historic two-masted ship of the French Navy which directly follows the Belem, the sound of bagpipes resounded under the large white sails, marking the start of the parade which will last until 5 p.m., along the coast of the second largest city in France. All around, at sea, small pleasure boats, canoes, but also large sailboats are sailing on the Mediterranean, according to an AFP journalist on site. Belem is like in a bubble, protected by security boats. Around forty boats from the French authorities are mobilized to ensure the smooth running of this great parade.

Will Zinédine Zidane carry the torch?

The Blues football icon of 98 and 2000 is a pure Marseillais. An aberration that he does not carry the flame in the Marseille city? Many think so. Yesterday, the deputy mayor of Marseille Samia Ghali apparently killed all the suspense. But this morning, a former teammate of Zizou en Bleu, Robert Pirès, still pleaded the cause of the illustrious former number 10.

Belem approaching…

The ship is approaching land, the Olympic parade will begin shortly: more than 1,000 boats will celebrate the symbolic torch in the form of a nautical parade.

The musical theme of the Games will be revealed today in Marseille

A tune with a sometimes epic tone and evoking the French Touch entitled “Parade” must be today at the arrival of the flame. This tune must be played live by the Marseille orchestra from the Palais du Pharo. Short, this music starts with a light, pop tune, with violins, then builds up with the symphony orchestra and moves to the epic register with choirs, to become an electro loop typical of the French Touch, with a festive coloring. As soon as we have it, we’ll let you listen to it here…

Florent Manaudou: “Take maximum energy”

The swimmer, Olympic champion in the 50m freestyle in London in 2012, will be the first torchbearer after disembarking from Belem.

“I want to take as much energy as possible from all the French and foreigners who are in Marseille for the arrival of the flame, I am not preparing myself”, Florent Manaudou, first bearer of the flame

Follow the arrival of the Olympic flame live

— TF1Info (@TF1Info) May 8, 2024

How is the Olympic flame protected?

Until the start of the Games, the precious torch will be the object of all attention, with a clear protocol if… it were to go out! DETAILS CAN BE DISCOVERED HERE.

The Olympic cauldron awaits Florent Manaudou

The French swimmer, Olympic champion in the 50m swim in London in 2012, will be the first torchbearer on French soil. His mission will be to light the cauldron, to keep the flame alive in France.

Calm before the fire! In Marseille, the Olympic Flame arrives \ud83d\udd25

Calm before the fire! The Olympic Flame arrives in Marseille \ud83d\udd25

— Paris 2024 (@Paris2024) May 8, 2024

How will the day go?

The arrival offshore promises to be grandiose. A whole series of activities are planned throughout the day. DETAILS CAN BE FIND HERE.

Hello everyone

Welcome to this live to follow the arrival of the Olympic flame on French soil – in Marseille – from Greece. The Games will be held in France from July 26 to August 11.

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