the State will not grant a financial extension to the CNOSF for its Club France during the Games

The president of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) did not win his case. David Lappartient declared, on April 15, that the State could agree to a “small extension” of 500,000 euros to Club France, the future venue for celebrating French sport during the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP), which is struggling to balance its budget. This will not be the case: there will be no surplus of public funding.

The decision was notified to Mr. Lappartient a few days ago. The State will remain at 1 million euros contributed to the France Olympic Club and 700,000 euros paid to the France Paralympic Club. “This will be the level of support from the State, now and after”we declare to Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, the Minister of Sports and JOPs.

In mid-April, Mr. Lappartient officially mentioned the difficulty of closing a budget of 22 to 23 million euros for this space which will be installed in the Grande Halle de La Villette, in Paris (19e arrondissement) and which, in addition to celebrating the medal-winning athletes, will offer broadcasts of the events, introductions to different disciplines, etc.

Initially, the budget that had been mentioned was 16.6 million euros, with the CNOSF and the French Paralympic and Sports Committee (CPSF) having to contribute 4.5 million and 2.5 million euros respectively. At the end of March, in front of the deputies, the interministerial delegate to the JOP, Michel Cadot, however declared that he would “we have to find, through collective effort, the way to compensate 3 to 5 million euros – 5 is a maximum” in this budget, the CNOSF having difficulty finding private funds.

“Resources other than state support”

To explain this budgetary imbalance, Mr. Lappartient mentioned higher than expected security costs. But revenues are also lower than expected. Notably because certain sports federations have chosen to set up elsewhere than in this Club France.

“They have chosen to scale this event which will be formidable, which will be a magnificent celebration, but which, without doubt, (…)will present a budgetary imbalance »we confirm on the side of the public authorities, while noting that, the ticket office having only opened mid-April and the sale of hospitality being still in progress, there is “still margins”.

In any case, if there is an imbalance in the Club France budget, the CNOSF, “who has resources other than state support”, will have to draw on its own resources to finance it, considers the Ministry of Sports and JOPs. To anticipate any criticism, the latter insists on the fact that “In this Olympic year, the ministry supports the CNOSF in proportions that have never been achieved historically, and by a long way.”

The year 2024 having been considered as “exceptional” with the holding of the JOPs, the subsidy paid to the CNOSF and the CPSF, as part of the credits allocated to the promotion of sport for the greatest number, had been increased by 5.4 million euros compared to 2023, to reach 16.41 million euros.

In addition to the amount planned for Club France, additional credits have been released to help finance certain costs (accommodation, transport, catering, etc.) of the Paralympic delegation during the Games (for 3.1 million euros), or even to support communication actions around the French teams (for 0.5 million euros).

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